What is Egg Storage?

Research in the area of egg storage or egg freezing has been active in the past 20 years, and recently, the connection and comparison between pregnancy rates and the transfer of fresh embryos has already been established. In this method, mature eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and are cryo-preserved or frozen without being fertilized with sperms.

The standard and most successful way to promote egg development for Egg Freezing is through the stimulation of the ovaries with hormones given by injections.

Our staff will work with the clinical team during the procedure of egg extraction. Mature eggs are retrieved by needle aspiration through ultrasound guidance. The process of stimulation of the ovaries and until retrieval of the eggs, takes approximately 12-14 days per cycle. Frozen eggs are then stored in long-term and short term storage facilities in our Centre until they are ready to be used.


What are the benefits of the Egg storage procedure?

Egg freezing offers hope to women seeking to preserve fertility. It simply freezes your clock. In other words, preserve your fertility potential at the age group when your eggs were frozen. Egg freezing may be indicated in the following circumstances:

  • Before undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy
  • Preservation of fertility potential in women who wish to delay pregnancy.
  • If your work requires you to do activities which could affect the quality of your egg, such as in some professional sports, if you work in certain factories, or if you are in the Military.
  • For women who do not want to marry early but still plan to conceive in the future.
  • Healthy women who nevertheless want to be sure they have healthy eggs in case of any unexpected problem in the future.
  • Women who will be over 35 years old.
  • Women who heavily smoke or drink.
  • For women who do not want to create extra embryos for freezing in their IVF cycles.

How to have your Egg stored?

Egg storage is only performed in specialized cryobank centers. Our centre has the latest technology for this kind of procedure, thus providing patients with the best care available. If you are interested, please contact Harmony Women’s Clinic. We have two different packages of egg storage: short-term storage period for a maximum of 1 year, and long-term storage period for the duration of 1 year and above.

What is Sperm Storage?

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