
Menorrhagia is a condition characterized by abnormally heavy or extended menstrual bleeding. Women suffering from menorrhagia experience severe blood loss, pain and cramping which can restrict their usual activities.

Women with menorrhagia may suffer from:

  • Menstrual flow that soaks one or more pads per hour for several hours
  • The need to use double sanitary protection to control the blood flow
  • The need to change pads frequently during the night
  • Periods lasting longer than seven days
  • Menstrual flow that includes large blood clots
  • Fatigue, weakness or shortness of breath

Treatment and diagnosis

Menorrhagia is usually diagnosed via a pelvic examination, a pelvic ultrasound scan or a biopsy of the womb lining. A hysteroscopy may also be conducted. This involves placing a tiny tube with a light through your cervix to view the womb lining.


Treatment can include:

  • Iron supplements
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce blood flow and cramping
  • Oral contraceptives
  • Oral progesterone
  • Mirena – an intrauterine device that releases progestin
  • In severe cases surgery may be recommended (Endometrial Ablation or Hysterectomy)